Dr Che Selane.
Former ANCYL provincial secretary Dr Che Bonnie David Selane said you must empower yourself
through education.
The son of the soil Selane who has a beautiful mind was born on 26 March 1983 in Tickyline Village, Limpopo Province, South Africa. He is the first-born son of Masape Sabina Selane and Lesiba Johannes Molomo. He started his primary school in 1987 at Montsheng Primary School and went to Nelson Ramodike Secondary School in 1995. In 1999, he transitioned to Bessie Maake High School where he matriculated in 2001. In 2002, he enrolled for a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) at the University of Limpopo (Turfloop Campus). Subsequently, he enrolled for a Bachelor of Technology (BTECH) in Public Management at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in 2013. In 2019, he obtained his Master of Laws (LLM) from the University of Limpopo under the Supervision of Adv Rapatsa Mashele. His mini dissertation is titled “A Legal Analysis of Expropriation of Land without Compensation in South Africa.” In 2023, he obtained his Master of Public Affairs degree at the Tshwane University of Technology under the supervision of Prof R.M Mukonza. He wrote on “The Role of Judicial Commissions of Inquiries in Promoting Public Accountability in South Africa: Lessons from Selected Cases.” In 2024, he completed a degree called Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree with the University of Limpopo under the supervision of Prof OK Odeku. The title of the thesis is “A Critical Legal Analysis of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges as a Viable Tool for Achieving the Developmental Agenda of the South African Government.” Through the mentorship and guidance of Professor OK Odeku, articles have been harvested from the thesis. Some of the article have been already published in an accredited journal. This include:
Selane, C. B. D. & Kola O. Odeku, An Analysis of How TVET is playing a Significant Role in Fostering Students’ Skills and Competencies in South Africa. Journal of Educational and Social Research 14(3):293.
Selane, C. B. D. & Kola O. Odeku, „Critical Analysis of Post-1994 Progressive and Transformative Legislative Instruments Introduced to Build Skills and Capacities in South Africa”, Perspectives of Law and Public Administration 13, no. 3 (October 2024): 439-449.
Selane, C. B. D. & Kola O. Odeku Critical Legal Analusis of the Historical Trajectory of TVET Colleges education in South Africa: A Complex Interplay of Apartheid-era Legacies to Post-Apartheid Reforms.FUNDAMNIA
Selane, C. B. D. & Kola O. Odeku, Comperative Legal Analysis of TVET in China, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and South Africa: OBITER