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Kirsten Kluyts murder accused Bafana Mahungela denied bail

Bafana Mahungela, who has been charged with the murder of the Delta Park High School teacher Kirsten Kluyts, spent Christmas behind bars after being denied bail by the Alexandra regional court.


Murder accused Mahungela and his lawyer failed to convince Magistrate Syta Prinsloo why he should get bail.  His case was postponed to January 19 next year.

Kirsten’s body was found on a path near the Sandton Sports Club after she vanished while taking part in a MyRun event in Parkmore.


Video footage led to the police arresting Mahungela a month later which showed him in the vicinity and captured him wearing Kirten’s T-shirt.


Mahungela, a Varsity College student denied killing her, saying he found the body and turned her from her side onto her back to check if she was alive.

He said Kluyts was dead, and he took off her clothes to avoid leaving his fingerprints, failing to provide reasons why he was wearing the deceased T-shirt.

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